PRODINOX put human health and safety at number one priority aiming ZERO Accident policy.


PRODINOX put human health and safety at number one priority aiming ZERO Accident policy. It follows national and international regulations which leads Prodinox to hold OHSAS 45001:2018 certification since a decade. Prodinox reached 20 Millon Man Hours without Loss-Time Accidents since 8 years in its total field of activities.

  • In-House Grade A and B International Health and Safety Instructors
  • HSE and Environmental written politics
  • Reputative Risk Analysis
  • Preventive Cautions
  • Lesson Learnt and Education Programs.

Prodinox constantly degrease its environmental footprints by investing on the new efficient machineries and set its CARBON ZERO target to 2028. All environmental activities are assured by the regulation EN ISO 45001:2018 for which Prodinox holds for more than a decade.